Nataša Đuričić

Co-Founder & CEO of PitchSee

Nataša Đuričić

Co-Founder & CEO of PitchSee

Pro-woman, Pro-family, Pro-life

In today’s time, women have been gaining more and more space in organizations where they did not have the opportunity before, playing a relevant and respected role in relation to men’s work in the growth of the economically active population. Despite the many challenges they encounter on their way, women such Nataša Đuričić have shown the world that women do have a more relational approach to business, in turn, proving that women do better in top-ranking positions.

As the Co-Founder & CEO of PitchSee, Nataša Đuričić displays tremendous vigor, passion and support, helping several businesses grow in their own space, and prove their mettle of innovating and outperforming. “Our platform is designed to be the one place that connects passionate startups with the support of savvy investors, in the easiest possible way”, she shares. Continuing on her above statement, and helping our readers understand how the idea of PitchSee came around, she adds – “The inspiration behind it came from our own experiences as entrepreneurs trying to secure funding. We realized how time-consuming and difficult it is to find the right matches. So, our goal was to create a platform that streamlined the process and made it more efficient for both parties”.

An independent showcase of investment opportunities without barriers, through PitchSee Nataša and her team provide an equal platform for business across borders and boundaries, for all project stages, and for all types of investors. Laying calculated emphasis on simple, fast, easy ways of connecting the right businesses to right investors, PitchSee clearly succeeds in shortening months-long process of search for investment opportunity to just 120 sec.

Leading Towards Change

After launching the Beta of PitchSee – 6 months ago, Nataša and her team’s efforts have helped them fetch their unique idea to over 130 countries. Also, the firm has received over 2,200 applications globally and have onboarded 600+ projects with new ones joining daily. The onboarding of 300+ active investors is underway, with a total investment size of a whopping $1.4 billion for pre-seed and seed. “Despite not having an excessive marketing budget, the response has exceeded our expectations”.


An expert with commendable entrepreneurial spirit, Nataša always wanted to create something special, and PitchSee is a literal dream come true for her. Also, as the CEO she influences operations and progress at the company by setting the overall strategy and direction of the business, identifying and capitalizing on new opportunities, addressing challenges, and overseeing day-to-day operations. She leads by example and ensures a culture of accountability and reward, by actively involving herself in decision-making, problem-solving, fundraising, and networking with key stakeholders. She also makes sure that PitchSee has the right people in the right roles and that everyone is aligned with the company’s vision and objectives.


Even during the pandemic, Nataša didn’t let her team lose heart and she ended up trying different things to help her colleagues fight uncertainty through effective and clear communication and support. She held regular online meetings keeping everyone up to date with the latest developments, and ensured everyone at PitchSee had access to the resources they needed to stay healthy and productive, such as mental health support & IT support. Adding a note on the pandemic times, she shares – “What turned out to be my greatest contribution is positivity. I kept a positive attitude, shared good news, inspiring stories and led by example to keep the morale high”.

Life Beyond PitchSee

A Croatian by birth, her struggle to the top was comparatively difficult, when compared to someone from London or New York. Yet, she never let anything disrupt her flow and took this geographical disadvantage as a challenge, continuing to work towards founding a company which basically helps overcome inequalities. In her role as a serial entrepreneur and angel investor, she holds several board positions in smaller companies. However, her current passion is PitchSee, and she is focused on developing the platform with her team.


In her personal life, she prioritizes her physical and mental well-being, where a considerable amount of her day’s time is spent on spiritual and physical boosting activities. Another important thing in Nataša Đuričić’s life is to make sure she practices gratitude. She thinks it’s important to take the time to appreciate the good things in life and to focus on what we have rather than what we lack. Overall, she believes that a balanced and fulfilling personal life is essential for professional success. And, by taking care of one’s body – physically, mentally, and emotionally, she encourages everyone to become better equipped to handle the challenges and opportunities that come your way and to make the most of this short-lived life.


Adding an open message to all those budding girls and boys who want to make it big as capable individuals, Nataša states – “Follow your passion and never give up!”. “And most importantly, never give up, and don’t be afraid to take risks or step out of your comfort zone. It’s only when you take risks that you can truly grow and achieve your full potential. Life is an exciting journey, enjoy it!”, she concludes.


  • “Where passion meets support”, can you please elaborate on this slogan, and help our readers understand what led you towards starting PitchSee?

With PitchSee, passion and support come together to create a powerful force for innovation and growth.


As a startup, you can have the best project in the world, be a great visionary, passionate entrepreneur, and advanced innovator (all in one!) but without good connections or financial resources to make your project a reality, it’s all for nothing. On the other hand, as an investor, you can have a lot of money, invest it in funds and currencies just for the sake of returns, but still remain searching for that one project that resonates with you on all levels… Passion should meet support, shouldn’t it?


We already have everything and everything already exists, which is why good projects have become much more than just cold money-making. Today, a good project must touch you and show you a higher purpose, and since we are all different, each person will be attracted by something different… Therefore, it is necessary to have a personalized meeting place, a place where passion meets support.


This slogan is the core of PitchSee’s mission. Our platform is designed to be the one place that connects passionate startups with the support of savvy investors, in the easiest possible way.


The inspiration behind it came from our own experiences as entrepreneurs trying to secure funding. We realized how time-consuming and difficult it is to find the right matches. So, our goal was to create a platform that streamlined the process and made it more efficient for both parties. I am happy we were able to turn our challenges into a solution that benefits the entire entrepreneurial ecosystem.

  • How does PitchSee’s platform differ from other fundraising and investment platforms currently on the market?


PitchSee is an independent showcase of investment opportunities without barriers. The platform is available in all countries, for all project stages, and for all types of investors.


Our emphasis is on simple, fast, and easy. We have succeeded in shortening months-long process of search for investment opportunity to just 120 sec.


On PitchSee, startups present their projects via straight-to-the-point video pitches. Their profiles are concise and clear, they have a so-called Tinder option with investors, and special tools like UPs allow them to keep the community updated. This helps investors quickly and easily identify opportunities by simply swiping through an online catalog of innovations. And when they find each other, they can connect directly, in a matter of seconds.


As mentioned, PitchSee’s approach is personal. By directly connecting, without intermediaries and piles of paper, we enable passion & support to be recognized and joined together.


  • When was the PitchSee platform launched and what is its current status?


We launched the Beta of PitchSee 6 months ago and have since reached 130 countries. We have received over 2,200 applications globally and have onboarded 600+ projects with new ones joining daily. The onboarding of 300+ active investors is underway, with a total investment size of $1.4 billion for pre-seed and seed. Despite not having an excessive marketing budget, the response has exceeded our expectations. We have taken on the responsibility to our users and remain steadfast in our drive to simplify the connection process and provide a truly unparalleled experience on our platform.


  • How do you envision PitchSee evolving and expanding in the future?

To be honest, I get bored pretty fast if everything works fine. We are only at the beginning and have a lot of work ahead of us! When I say ‘we,’ I mean of course the entire team, but primarily the project manager, Jelena Brbora, without whom PitchSee would be half as organized. We are already implementing additional features and services such as pitch courses & speed mentorship programs, facilitating donations to NPO’s and enabling association of investors.


Meanwhile, in the back, we are working on implementing AI, and in the long term our goal is blockchain integration. 


In the future, we envision PitchSee becoming the go-to platform for startups to showcase their ideas and secure funding, and for investors to find the most promising opportunities i.e., to fall in love with the one. The goal is to become like “YouTube” but for investors. So, stay tuned! 


  • As the Co-Founder & CEO of PitchSee. How do you influence operations and progress at your company?


I have an entrepreneurial mindset and want to create something special with like-minded people! 


I influence operations and progress at the company by setting the overall strategy and direction of the business, identifying and capitalizing on new opportunities, addressing challenges, and overseeing day-to-day operations. I lead by example and ensure a culture of accountability and reward. I actively involve myself in decision-making, problem-solving, fundraising, and networking with key stakeholders. I also make sure that we have the right people in the right roles and that everyone is aligned with the company’s vision and objectives. I work closely with my team to make sure that we are effectively executing our plans and achieving our goals.


I don’t do anything that isn’t my passion, and I expect and look for the same from my colleagues. Motivation is definitely part of my strategy, but when I see that paths are diverging with someone, I prefer to let them find their way elsewhere. At the beginning, my decisions were based solely on


reason, but I’ve noticed a significant change. I now make my decisions more using instinct and feeling, and I don’t know if it has to do with experience, but it seems to me that in the long run, I make fewer mistakes.


  • Considering the times of the pandemic, what was your role in helping your employees fight uncertainty, and get going despite the chaos?


One of the best feelings for me is realizing the decisions made in hard times were right.


PitchSee was in its early stages, the entire team of developers had just been hired to develop the platform, and then everything suddenly came to a halt. At the same time, one of my key companies that deals with marketing and positioning in the market was completely without revenue. From one day to the next, we found ourselves in a completely uncertain period and it was a question of whether to stop with new projects, one of which was PitchSee, or to continue. But giving up is never an option for me.


During the pandemic, I’ve tried different things to help my colleagues fight uncertainty but what I’ve found to be most effective is clear communication and support. I held regular online meetings keeping everyone up to date with the latest developments. I made sure that everyone had access to the resources they needed to stay healthy and productive, such as mental health support & IT support. What turned out to be my greatest contribution is positivity. I kept a positive attitude, shared good news, inspiring stories and led by example to keep the morale high. 


  • What is the percentage of representation of women in your particular stream? And, what are your thoughts on gender inequality, do you think it still exists? Please elaborate. 


We all have a responsibility to act and should act to contribute to equality. At our company, it’s very well balanced. However, there are other inequalities in the business world that we are almost powerless about and that usually go unmentioned.


For example, I was born in a small country, Croatia, which most people have never heard of unless I mention Dubrovnik or Luka Modric. Positioning an online global platform from Zagreb, London or New York is not the same. And I’m not talking about people, I’m talking about technology. The smaller the place, the more network algorithms restrict you to a regional reach, search engines show you limited content, and that’s just a small part of the additional challenges. In short, our starting positions are not the same, but I don’t complain,  I take it as a challenge because many entrepreneurs are in even worse positions than ours.


  • Apart from PitchSee, any other entrepreneurial journeys you are currently pursuing? 


In my role as a serial entrepreneur and angel investor, I hold several board positions in smaller companies. However, my current passion is PitchSee, and I am focused on developing the platform with my team. We are committed to making PitchSee a presentation platform for ideas, innovations, and projects, and a starting point for active investors in search of new opportunities. That is our goal.


  • How does the life of Nataša Đuričić look beyond her professional avatar? Any particular routine or mantra you have which helped you reach where you are? This will help our readers immensely.


In my personal life, I prioritize my physical and mental well-being. I start my day with a workout, whether it’s a run, a yoga session, or a gym training. I am fascinated by nature and am happy to live next to a beautiful park forest, so I never miss a chance for a jog or walk on a nice day.  


I believe that a healthy body leads to a healthy mind, and I find that regular exercise helps me to stay focused and energized throughout the day.


Daily meditation is a must for me. It helps me to stay grounded and focused, manage stress, and be more present in the moment.


I also make sure to prioritize my diet. I am a vegetarian and believe that a plant-based diet is not only healthy but also environmentally sustainable.


I could not live without time for myself and my loved ones. I enjoy traveling and find that experiencing new cultures and perspectives helps to keep me open-minded and creative.


Another important thing, I make sure to practice gratitude. I think it’s important to take the time to appreciate the good things in life and to focus on what we have rather than what we lack.


Overall, I believe that a balanced and fulfilling personal life is essential for professional success. By taking care of myself physically, mentally, and emotionally, I am better equipped to handle the challenges and opportunities that come my way and to make the most of my professional journey.


  • Attach an open message to all those girls who want to pursue a career as tomorrow’s professionals (across various verticals). If you could also help them, get a better view of what is ahead of them, it would be really great. 


Follow your passion and never give up!


Pursuing a career in any field can be challenging, but I want to remind you that you are capable of achieving great things, no matter what obstacles you may face.


My advice is to always follow your passion, because that is the only thing that you can do best. When you work on something you are passionate about, it makes the journey much more enjoyable and fulfilling.


It’s also important to remember that success is not a straight line. There will be obstacles and failures along the way, but these are opportunities to learn and grow. Take them as interesting challenges and surround yourself with a supportive community.


And most importantly, never give up, and don’t be afraid to take risks or step out of your comfort zone. It’s only when you take risks that you can truly grow and achieve your full potential.

Life is an exciting journey, enjoy it! 😊


  • Fill in the below details
      1. Educational Qualifications – MBA 


  • Most Loved:
      1. Book – there are many, currently I am on Awakening to Zero Point from Gregg Braden
      2. Holiday Destination – there are countless but for example Peru, Amazon Rainforest, Antarctic
      3. Hobby – Traveling & research of ancient civilizations
      4.  Role Model – my mum



Nataša Đuričić
Co-Founder & CEO


PitchSee, a game-changing platform that removes barriers and enables fast realization of projects. They connect investors and investment seekers all over the world! PitchSee is built to connect the best from both worlds, investors & masterminds. But on that path, they do not want to forget those who are working for the welfare of all of us, non-profit organizations – they stand behind them because they cherish the same intention to make the world a better place.

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