Delmar Assis

Founder & CEO – DRZ Corporation

Delmar Assis

Founder & CEO – DRZ Corporation

Helping the World Unlock the Power of Data

Leaders in the data management industry are individuals that have made significant contributions to the field of data management. These leaders have the knowledge and expertise to help organizations manage their data more effectively, and they often develop innovative solutions to address the challenges of data management. With the ever-increasing importance of data in modern business, the need of the hour are leaders who are always at the forefront of harnessing the power of data. In this very search, we come across personalities such as Delmar Assis, who as the CEO of DRZ Corporation is converting regular companies to well-performing data-driven companies.


Since its inception – DRZ has made a commitment to transform data into valuable business assets, and striving under the capable leadership of Delmar Assis, the company has been working closely with partners to offer curated comprehensive solutions. Also, proud of its Data 360-degree journey, DRZ prioritizes meeting their

specific needs and even bringing new, innovative solutions to the table. DRZ continues to also remain up-to-date on worldwide trends and best practices, and over the years has received positive feedback from satisfied customers, giving both DRZ and Delmar – the energy and motivation to tackle upcoming challenges.


As a data management leader in today’s time, it’s important to prioritize customers by placing them at the center of solutions and services, and Delmar Assis does just that, by maintaining a close and attentive relationship with them to understand their demands and priorities. Along with adding value, transparency, ethics, and governance, Delmar also guides and participates in the selection of solution roadmaps at  DRZ and addresses global trends in solutions to ensure they are innovative, reliable, governed, and scalable.

One Byte at a Time

Delmar and his team work together towards a primary objective of transforming raw data into valuable business assets, as he believes they have a crucial role in the success of their customers. Despite offering its services across 8 countries, DRZ proves itself as a reliable company providing a full holistic solution, with a deep understanding of their business needs to offer an agile and accurate data solution. “This way, we not only retain our existing customers but also gain new ones and expand our network”, shared – Delmar Assis.


Considering the uncertain times which came along with the pandemic, Delmar Assis and his team were quick to react, and through effective management continued to deliver high-quality results. Sharing a point on this, Delmar shares – “The pandemic brought challenges, but despite working in a hybrid manner in the DRZ, the lack of physical interaction was a difficult reality. We intensified our conversations and even held virtual cafes, as well as provided more individualized attention more frequently to overcome this challenge”. He continued – “I always operate as a mindful individual and have supported my team members, irrespective of the time or place”.


As DRZ was a long-lasting and innovative project that was designed and structured to provide relevant solutions while placing customers at the center of its operations, Delmar aspires for DRZ to continue growing in LATAM. And provide many more moments of satisfaction with its results, driving him towards new learnings and challenges. Furthermore, Delmar believes that DRZ can contribute to a fairer, more humane, and responsible world, particularly towards a greener world.

Beyond DRZ

A person who finds it hard to maintain a balance between work, health, and personal life, Delmar is sometimes a workaholic. But he advises everyone to cultivate discipline, planning, and routine to achieve respective objectives. “Consistency and perseverance are also crucial, and it helps to start the day early with physical activity and a close eye on the agenda”, he shares. He also loves frequent travel and he hardly forgets to indulge in some good wine.


Lastly, being that someone who is always thinking about how to contribute to a better, more humane and greener world, as well as contributing to a better society, Delmar is currently working on a project that aims to expand what DRZ is currently doing in 2024.

DRZ Corporation


Delmar Assis
Founder & CEO


Delmar Assis, who as the CEO of DRZ Corporation is converting regular companies to well-performing data-driven companies. Since its inception – DRZ has made a commitment to transform data into valuable business assets, and striving under the capable leadership of Delmar Assis, the company has been working closely with partners to offer curated comprehensive solutions. 

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