Margaret Keymetian Ng

The Innovator of Transformation and Behavior Change Management

Margaret Keymetian Ng

President and CEO, M3E Change Associates Inc

When her theater school colleagues told Margaret Keymetian Ng to ‘break a leg’, little did she know that one day she would literally do so and that her fortunes would change for the better. Left with heavy medical bills, Margaret now had to find a new stream to support her financially. It was her future husband who suggested that she leverage her skills as a performer as well as her knowledge of computers to teach. Thus began Margaret’s foray into training. Her idea was to make learning fun for the students by using her performance skills. As engaging and fulfilling as it was Margaret could not help but notice the various limitations of training that existed at the time.

A woman with a plan

As a trainer Margaret found that people, often limit themselves due to the various fears and personal beliefs that they bring to the classroom. She found that getting adults to release these fears and learn to be a major challenge that affected both the trainer and the student.

Helping people overcome this hurdle and learn freely became Margaret’s new goal and she set out on a whole new journey which would lead her to instructional design, then training management to even supervisory and leadership training in the corporate sector. As the level of training Margaret offered grew, the limitations within the industry became more apparent, as did the need for better tools. This led Margaret to pursue her MS in Organizational Development and Change Management from American University and soon after start her first company which she aptly named New Growth Solutions.

Margaret’s entrepreneurial journey was anything but easy. The fact that she ran a one-woman-show only complicated things further. But, Margaret found a way around her many limitations, including financial ones by harnessing the power of the many millions of third party services providers who can provide support and virtually even run every aspect of any business. This also allowed her to focus more on the core offerings of her company, especially the technical and performance aspect.

M3E Change Associates

While her husband may have guided Margaret to venture out as an educator and eventually change management, it was the other man in her life that inspired her to expand her horizons – her son Ethan. Ethan was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) at the age of just sixteen months. The various hurdles and challenges she faced while tending to the special needs of her child, as well as her travel schedule, Margaret felt the need to start a company that would both help her work flexibly as well as realize her goals to transform the way change was handled in organizational systems.

M3E Change Associates as the name suggests is a change management and transformation company. Change however is not something people are ready to accept even if there is a dire need for it. Margaret and M3E try to work around this by creating a comprehensive profile of their clients and their problems before devising a solution. Employees often provide the best assessment of a company’s problems and that is where M3E starts their work. “At M3E first and foremost, we approach our clients with empathy. We try to put ourselves in their shoes to anticipate what the concerns will be. Second, we are very good at diagnosing the root cause of a problem,” says Margaret.

The Return of the Trainer

The pandemic brought out both the best and the worst in people and the world has witnessed many changes, some for the better and some for the worse. For Margaret, it was actually an opportunity to return back to where she started – training. With the resources at M3E for her to leverage, the company and its founder started a new journey to help teachers and educational institutions seamlessly enter the virtual learning space while dealing with an inordinate amount of change. Virtual and Hybrid learning had been a part of Margaret’s repertoire for years as a corporate trainer, so applying her expertise to the education sector was a welcome chance.

Margaret’s story is truly an inspirational one and a great example of how to adapt to change and make the best out of any situation. While M3E and its founder have many interesting plans and campaigns lined up for the future, the person behind the entrepreneur leads quite an interesting life. Margaret is a certified CPR and First Aid instructor and a member of The America Heart Association, Red Cross and ECSI. While the theatre life is long behind her, the avid fan of Broadway musicals still keeps her chords in tune by singing and leading campfire song groups at the camping events of her son’s Cub Scout Pack, of which she is a Den Leader, Committee Chair, and District Activities Chair. For working professionals and aspiring entrepreneurs Margaret has this word of advice drawn from her experience, “landing that first job is thrilling – but while you execute on that job, you need to be landing the next one. This is the hardest balance to strike of all. I wish I had known all of this when I started my first venture. Heck, even my second! But as the saying goes, I continue to realize ‘the more I learn, the less I know!!!’”


M3E Change Associates Inc



Margaret Keymetian Ng

President and CEO



Founded in September of 2017. It is a management consulting firm specializing in educational consulting, virtual workplace technologies, large IT system implementations, process redesign and harmonization, mergers and acquisitions, organizational development, communications, training and leadership coaching.

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